House and furniture

(made by Adelaida Bolívar - Básico 1-D)

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1. A pice of furniture with shelves to put books on.
5. A room where food is kept, prepared and cooked and where the dishes are washed.
7. A piece of furniture or a small part of a room with a door or doors, usually with shelves where you keep things.
9. A tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes, or all of the clothes that a person owns.
10. A piece of kitchen equipment which uses electricity to preserve drinks and food cold.
11. A room with a bath or a shower, a washbasin and often a toilet.


1. A room used for sleeping in.
2. A big and comfortable chair with sides that support your arms.
3. A room where someone goes to study, read, write and so on.
4. A place where you stand running water to wash your body.
6. A machine for heating and preparing food.
8. A room where you can keep your car.