Expressions to count uncountable nouns

(made by Carmen Luisa)

Complete the gaps with the appropriate word. Choose from the following: bag, bottle, can, carton, glass, jar, joint, loaf, mug, packet, piece, sack, slice, spoonful, tube.
loaf-bread.jpga of bread
bag-tea.jpga of tea
packet.jpga of tea
a of orange juice
jar.gifa of jam
slice.jpga of toast
tube.jpga of tomato paste
piece.gifa of chewing gum
spoonful.jpga of ice-cream
joint.jpga of lamb
mug.jpga of coffee
can.gifa of beer
sack.jpga of potatoes
glass.jpga of wine
carton.jpga of orange juice

Choose from the following: bag, bottle, can, carton, glass, jar, joint, loaf, mug, packet, piece, sack, slice, spoonful, tube.