Write about a terrifying experience that you had when you were younger. (Around 225 words)

I{1} remenberSpelling mistake a terrifying experience when I was younger{***}Well constructed sentence!. I was about twenty and my friend Lourdes, too. It was summer and {***}Punctuation or capitalizationabove all {***}Punctuation or capitalizationwe wanted to go on holiday, so we arrengedSpelling mistake to camp on " Del Ingles Beach " in Gomera, for one week.{2} {***}Well constructed sentence!

We felt adventurous, happy and very nervous because it was the first time that we camped aloneThis text is not necessary by ourselves{***}Well constructed sentence!. We traveled{3} by ferry and stayed in browWrong word/s all the time. We felt the fresh sea air inWrong word/s our faces.........Punctuation or capitalization smelt the sea. ThenThis text is not necessary, not only weWord order shut our eyes but also threw openWrong word/s our arms. ReallyWord order we were excited, overjoyed and wishful ofWrong word/s liberty.{***}Good choice of vocabulary! Finally {***}Punctuation or capitalization {***}Good choice of vocabulary!we arrived at night in Valle Gran Rey,Punctuation or capitalization however {***}Punctuation or capitalization {***}Good choice of vocabulary!we had to march to the beach though {***}Missing word or words were tired, hungry {***}Well constructed sentence! and {***}Punctuation or capitalizationbesides{***}Punctuation or capitalization {***}Good choice of vocabulary! we had {***}Missing word or wordsbig backpack eachWord order {***}Good choice of vocabulary! .{4} All our happinesSpelling mistake in the mornigSpelling mistake {***}Word order turned to anger{***}Punctuation or capitalization therefore{***}Punctuation or capitalization {***}Good choice of vocabulary!we did not speak or laughtSpelling mistake. {5}At last{***}Missing word or words the beach, ¡Punctuation or capitalizationohhhh {***}Spelling mistake! withPunctuation or capitalization it´sWrong word/s surfWrong word/s brokingSpelling mistake onWrong word/s the rocks and the sand. The birdGrammar mistake " Pardelas{***}Punctuation or capitalization" screamedTense {***}Wrong word/s above us, their nests were on the highest onWrong word/s the mountain (...........){***}Punctuation or capitalization the night began to inspire fear. We began to put up the tent. After a while{***}Punctuation or capitalization a car arrived full of theThis text is not necessary people, it stopped quite near. In a moment the driver swichedSpelling mistake on and off the car lights, then the{6} men began getting in and out of the car. They laughtedSpelling mistake and shouted among themselvesWrong word/s. They drank a lot. MeanwhileWrong word/s they began{7} to walk towards us. " Oh dear" , exclaimed Lourdes. Afterwards she asked nervously to me, " What should we do? Alicia........ {***}Punctuation or capitalizationWhat should we do? "{***}Well constructed sentence!. {***}Punctuation or capitalization {8} I couldn´t think. Then , suddenly they returned to their car. We sighed with relief, but they still stayed there. Soon a light walked towards us, in each moment it moved nearerWrong word/s. We watched breathless "{***}Punctuation or capitalization someone aprroachedSpelling mistake {***}Tense quickly"{***}Punctuation or capitalization .{***}Good choice of vocabulary! I picked up some stones from the beach and I took out a special rod, it contaniedSpelling mistake a knife. I sat down on {***}Missing word or wordssand with my special roadSpelling mistake and some stones at my side. Then {***}Punctuation or capitalization {***}Missing word or wordstold toThis text is not necessary Lourdes{9}, "don´t{***}Punctuation or capitalization {10} worry{***}Punctuation or capitalization it´s only one person, we are two". We looked at eachotherSpelling mistake with fear,Punctuation or capitalization " If I shout, we run out, OK ", I said{***}Missing word or words her.

The man arrived. He said: Punctuation or capitalization " Hello, there is low tide but at midnight itWrong word/s high tide and then your things and yourWord order {***}Wrong word/s will get wet. I think that you should move higher{***}Well constructed sentence!. I was worried about you. Good night",Punctuation or capitalization and{***}Punctuation or capitalization we said, " Good night and thanks very much for your advice ".Punctuation or capitalization We began to laughtSpelling mistake.{11}



27Punctuation or capitalization error
4This text is not necessary
6Missing word or words
14Spelling mistake
2Verb tense
14Wrong word/s
5Word order
1Grammar mistake
6Well constructed sentence!
7Good choice of vocabulary!
Negative total: 73
Positive total: 13